Thursday, 24 April 2008

Wow. SA1 is coming

How time flies. It's like coming the end of Term 2!!!

It seems like just yesterday that I'd sent 6F 2007 off. And do I miss them - v. nice & fun bunch.

And now my son has been in the school for 16 weeks!

Oh well, I shall have to spend more time with Khai for SA1, from this weekend

I have been doing the game DOMO for 2 months now. Man it rox.
I love the 3D effects, and the fact that we can just change job classes in the instant. I suppose I will be there for a while.

Don't think I will return to Maple, unless Khai wants me to play with him, or maybe there's a 6F guild meeting. lol

Maybe they should organise another 6F 2007 class BBQ in June hols 2008?
I mean I coordinated the last one, but they organised it. *grinn*